The Transformation of global commons and the future of planetary ecosystems.

The research project analyses property rights and property regimes in natural resources in global commons. Focusing on the Atmosphere and the Oceans, it examines the evolution and the structure of the regulatory regimes in these two domains and asks what kinds of property regimes they represent. The main goal of the project is to critically asses these property regimes in light of their ability to address acute problems of climate change,
biodiversity loss, nd the depletion of planetary ecosystems and to meet distributive and environmental demands associated with natural resources they include. The project also explores possibilities and implications of a reformulated concept of global commons extended to resource domains within and across states' territorial jurisdictions.
Project activities
Scientific publications
- Gümplová, Petra (2024): “Continental Shelf and the Quiet Ocean Commons Grab“, In: International Law Blog (published on 09.01.2024)
- Gümplová, Petra (2023): “Common Ownership or Global Commons? Reassessing Risse’s Common Ownership of the Earth Thesis in Light of Climate Crisis“, In: Sťahel, R.; Dědečková, E. (eds.), Current Challenges of Environmental Philosophy. Leiden: Brill, 71-96,
- Gümplová, Petra (2022a): “Affluence and Freedom: An Environmental History of Political Ideas“, In: Contemp Polit Theory (2022). DOI: 10.1057/s41296-022-00596-z.
- Gümplová, Petra (2021a): “Normative View of Natural Resources – Global Redistribution or Human Rights-based Approach?“, In: Human Rights Review 22, 155-172. DOI: 10.1007/s12142-021-00615-3.
- Gümplová, Petra (2021b): “Rights of Conquest, Discovery and Occupation, and the Freedom of the Seas: the Colonial Invention of International Law and Natural Resource Injustice Isonomía.“, In: Revista de Teoría y Filosofía del Derecho 54: 1-36. Open Access:
- Gümplová, Petra (2021c): “Sovereign Territory and the Domination over Nature“, In: Arthur Bueno, Christoph Henning, Hartmut Rosa (eds.): Critical Theory and New Materialism, Abingdon: Routledge.
Media and podcasts
- “Natürliche Ressourcen sind nicht nur Chance für wirtschaftlichen Gewinn“, Petra Gümplová was interviewed by Goethe-Institut, June 2024.
- Wolf, Verena (2024): "Private property meets planetary crisis", In: blog of the Collaborative Research Centre “Structural Change in Property”. (published on 22.04.2024)
- Gümplová, Petra (2023): “Common property in seabed minerals is at a critical juncture“, In: blog of the Collaborative Research Centre “Structural Change of Property”. (published on 30.08.2023)
- Gümplová, Petra (2023): “The new High Seas Treaty will not end the tragedy of the global fishing commons“, In: blog of the Collaborative Research Centre “Structural Change of Property”. (published on 15.03.2023)
- Gümplová, Petra (2022): “Contesting the Unity of Constitutional Orders from a Property Perspective“, In: blog of the Collaborative Research Centre “Structural Change of Property”. (published on 15.02.2022)
- Verena Wolf: “Taking a Social-Ecological Perspective on the Global Commons: The Case of Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Crisis” Political Theory in Times of Uncertainty, DVPW Conference, September 27-29, 2023 Bremen, Germany.
- Verena Wolf: “Inequality in the Propertisation of the Global Commons: The Case of Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Crisis”, Annual Conference of DVPW: Crisis and Transformation, September 21-22, 2023, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany.
- Petra Gümplová: “Governing global commons for global public good”, Lecture at the conference “Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy“ (15.-16.06.23)
- Petra Gümplová: public panel discussion on the Commons at the Festival of Philosophy, Velke Mezirici, Czech Republic. (06.06.2023)
- Verena Wolf: “New Critiques of Property in Light of the Climate Crisis: Inequality in the Propertisation of the Global Commons,” Philosophy and Social Sciences, May 9-14, 2023, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Petra Gümplová: “Sovereign Rights to Ocean's Resources - a Critical Appraisal”, Lecture at the conference Philosophy and Social Sciences, Prag. (10.-14.05.2023)
- Verena Wolf: “Die Entwicklung einer Sozial-Ökologischen Perspektive auf die Global Commons am Fall der Klimakrise“. Commons-Ökonomie: Nachhaltig, resilient, effizient?, March 08-10, 2023, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Germany.
- Petra Gümplová: “Common Ownership of the Earth in theAnthropocene”, Lecture at the international conference "Challenges for Environmental and Political Philosophy in the Anthropocene". (16.01.2023)
- Petra Gümplová: “Moral Theories and Blood Commodities”, Lecture at the conference "Ethical Theories, Unethical Practices Conference of the Slovak Philosophical Society". (19.-21.10.2022)
- Verena Wolf: “On Inequality and Property of Atmospheric Pollution: Revising the Tragedy of the Commons”. SFB294 Colloquium, June 3, 2022, online.
- Verena Wolf: “Dismantling Property Regimes of Atmospheric Pollution: Presentation of the Dissertation Proposal”. SFB294 Colloquium, November 16, 2021, online.
- Workshop „Global Commons and Their Discontents“ with a keynote from Surabhi Ranganathan. (September 22-23, 2022)