
Appropriate – der Podcast

APPROPRIATE explores different dimensions of ownership, its political dynamics and social impact, and ventures into thinking about alternatives to ownership. APPROPRIATE brings together researchers from different disciplines, activists and policy makers to discuss their perspectives on a wide range of topics, including the sharing economy, urban commons, housing, natural resources, reproductive medicine and bioeconomy. APPROPRIATE is the podcast of the Collaborative Research Centre "Structural Change of Property" of the Universities of Jena and Erfurt (SFB TRR 294).   
Music: CC BY-SA, Song Paper Tiger's Grip by Mid-Air Machine   

For questions or contributions to the podcast, please write to appropriate_podcast@protonmail.com!




The trailer gives a small insight into the intention of the podcast and its topics.

Trailer of the podcast

Private property and public commons – narrowing the gap mit Klaus Bosselmann

Rechte der Natur

Klaus Bosselmann von der University of Auckland (Neuseeland) versucht in dieser Folge Privateigentum mit dem Schutz von öffentlichen Gütern zu vereinen. Global Commons, also die Atmosphäre, das Wasser, Land, Luft und die Biosphäre sind auch durch die Ausweitung des Privateigentums stark bedroht. Wie kann der Eigentumsbegriff juristisch neugedacht werden, damit das Recht effektiv zum Umweltschutz beiträgt und was kann dabei aus indigenen Ansätzen gelernt werden? Diesen Fragen wird im Vortrag von und Interview mit Rechtswissenschaftler Klaus Bosselmann nachgegangen.

Episode vom 16.07.2024

In Conversation with Clara Salazar (The Urban Lives of Property Series IV)

In this inaugural Spanish-language episode of the Urban Lives of Property Series, Clara Salazar delves into the history and concept of the ejidos—collective forms of land ownership introduced by the Mexican Revolution in 1917. Following this, the state began redistributing land to impoverished farmers under the condition that they organize themselves into collectives. Ejidal land, which was typically rural land, could not be sold. The significance of the ejidos persists to this day, although this form of collective ownerships has been the subject of numerous struggles and controversies. In 1992, the rights to ejidal lands were liberalized to permit their sale. Concurrently, the rights associated with private property were strengthened, providing powerful private owners with nearly unmatched opportunities to manage and profit from their lands, leveraging surplus value through public infrastructure provision while offering minimal compensation in return. Meanwhile, self-managed settlements by poor urbanites dwelling informally on the outskirts of metropolises have increasingly encroached upon ejidal land, leading to a parceling of the land and a profound transformation of Mexican cities. Against this backdrop, Clara Salazar makes a compelling case for enhancing public capacities to regulate urban land and to capture surplus value—a challenge that many Latin American countries face, alongside the ongoing evolution of property forms that separate land and housing ownership. An English translation of the transcript is available for download.

This episode is a collaboration with the Urban Political Podcast.

Click here for the original transcript in Spanish.

Click here for the transcript in English.

Episode vom 29.05.2024

In Conversation with Jean-David Gerber (The Urban Lives of Property Series III) - Property, Planning and Institutional Power: A view from Switzerland

This episode of the Urban Lives of Property Series expands discussions geographically and conceptually: Our guest in this episode, Jean-David Gerber, helps us think property from Switzerland and other places. He speaks with the hosts Hanna Hilbrandt and Markus Kip. Starting off with the observation that there is no single understanding of property, Jean-David argues that it is important for any consideration to be context-specific and to realize that property is not the same as propriété or Eigentum. Jean-David elaborates on his approach to property on the basis of the Institutional Resource Regime framework that he has been working on with colleagues for many years. Based on his fieldwork in Ghana, Senegal and Switzerland, he discusses the application of the framework aimed to consider the combined effects of public policies and property rights on the use of resources and the users themselves. Focusing on the case of Switzerland, he talks us through the legacy and ongoing relevance of old forms of collective property in forests and shared pastures in the mountains. Moving to the debate around new (urban) commons, the episode also covers current struggles and conflicts around the land policy paradigm in Switzerland, as well as new ideas in planning to exercise greater influence in urban development in the public interest.

The episode is a collaboration with the Urban Political Podcast.

Episode from 1 March 2024
Bild Folge 14

Property rights versus tenants: Beata Siemieniako on the restitution of housing in Poland

Bild Folge 13

Unregulated restitution of property to prewar owners (or rather their legal successors) remains a major source of conflict over housing in Poland, most notably in Warsaw. This episode features Beata Siemieniako, a Warsaw lawyer and urban activist who has been supporting tenants in their struggle against ruthless developers for years. In her book „Re-privatising Poland. The History of a Great Scam“ (Reprywatyzując Polskę. Historia wielkiego przekrętu, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej 2017), she tells the story of conflicting claims to urban property and reflects on the pitfalls of restituting past property orders while neglecting present-day social rights. Florian Peters has talked to her about law, grassroots activism, and the impossibility to achieve justice by trying to turn back time. This podcast is a co-production with the Urban Political Podcast.

Episode from 30 November 2023

Residential Property, Couples, and New Logics of Inequality in the Asset Economy – A Conversation with Lisa Adkins

Bild Folge 12

In this episode, Robin K. Saalfeld engages in an insightful conversation with Lisa Adkins, a noted Professor of Sociology at the University of Sydney. Their discussion traces the narrative of Adkins's book, "The Asset Economy. Property Ownership and the New Logic of Inequality," (2020) co-authored by Martijn Konings and Melinda Cooper. Their thought-provoking work charts the emergence of an asset economy marked by property inflation, a term used to describe the escalated rise in the value of housing assets. The unfolding of this phenomenon paves the way for a new perspective on inequality, primarily focusing on market-driven economies like Australia, the US, and Great Britain. The shift from traditional commodification to a more asset-centered approach, especially in the housing sector, forms a significant part of their narrative. The dialogue further expands as Robin K. Saalfeld introduces empirical data from the research project B06 exploring property inequality among German couples. Through extensive interviews with 50 German couples, the research highlights the crucial role residential property plays for couples. Robin K. Saalfeld and Lisa Adkins delve into the potential characteristics of an asset economy within the German population, raising pertinent questions about the interplay between gender and property ownership. This episode provides a nuanced exploration of the complex tapestry of property, economics, and couple and gender dynamics, contributing to an understanding of the evolving nature of inequality in market-centric societies.

Episode from 18 July 2023

Property and Territory in Russian History and Geography - A Conversation with Vera Smirnova

In this episode, Hanna Hilbrandt and Markus Kip talk to Vera Smirnova, a human and political geographer to discuss property and territory from a Russian perspective. Smirnova’s genealogical account moves from the Czarist period to this day, illuminating also the current Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Smirnova offers a tour de force through Russia’s moving history of the last 150 years, addressing practices of serfdom, enclosures in the early 20th century, land collectivization following the Russian revolution and waves of privatization after 1991. Throughout this period the institution of property is shown to be fuzzy, insecure, and informal, a legacy that continues to this day as evidenced in current urban planning legislation and extra-legal practices of land grabbing. Similarly reflecting a pliability for powerful political interests, territory has been historically considered as vast, borderless and expansive. The episode is a collaboration with the Urban Political Podcast and is part of the “Urban Lives of Property” Series.  

Episode from 20 June 2023
Bild Folge 11

Housing and energy as public infrastructures – communalisation, socialisation, expropriation?

Bild Folge 10

Housing and energy are part of public services. In the wake of crises, their organisation and form of ownership is being discussed. Proposals include the transfer of privatised property into public ownership. In the area of housing, the campaign "Deutsche Wohnen and Co.Enteignen" (in English: Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen and Co.) goes even further and demands the socialisation of housing. Also in the field of energy, there are such demands and also already a concrete implementation with the association BürgerEnergie Thüringen. But how does the demanded socialisation differ from communalisation? What challenges must be taken into account? And is communal ownership always more socially just than private ownership? In this podcast episode, perspectives from academia, civil society and politics have their say. A podcast with Silke van Dyk, Raul Zelik, Sebastian Kohl, Cara Röhner, Joanna Kusiak, Reinhard Guthke and Florian Schmidt

Episode from 13 February 2023

Carbon Sinks as Global Commons

Part III of the "Global Commons" series

In the third episode of our mini-series about Global Commons, we hear from Megan Blomfield, a senior lecturer in political philosophy at the University of Sheffield. Her research concerns global justice and the environment, focusing on the problem of climate change, which you can read more about in her 2019 book, Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change. In today’s episode we explore carbon sinks as global commons. Because the issue of climate change concerns how we use and share carbon sinks like the atmosphere, the concept of the global commons has been used to invoke more equitable sharing of carbon sinks. However, Blomfield will show us that this conception isn’t so straightforward when we consider carbon sinks more widely, like land and ocean based sinks.

Episode from 2 February 2023
Episode 10

Reconstituting the Seabed as a Global Commons: What Would it Take?

The deep Seabed

Part II of the "Global Commons" series

In the second episode of our mini-series about Global Commons, we hear from Isabel Feichtner, a current Fellow at the New Institute, where she works on Global and Urban Commons and in particular Commons Public Partnerships. In this episode, we will be focusing on a specific global commons- the deep seabed. Feichtner expertly shows us how the deep seabed regime, often hailed as a successful example of international cooperation and management of a global commons, has actually developed with an economic extraction focus to the detriment of distributive justice and environmental protection. 

Episode from 19 January 2023

The Territorialization of the Global Commons

Part I of the "Global Commons" series

This is the first episode in the podcast mini series Global Commons and Their Discontents, a series which aims to present the contributions and discussions from our September 2022 workshop of the same name. In this episode we hear from Daniel Lambach, a political scientist currently working as a Heisenberg Fellow at the Research Centre Normative Orders at Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Lambach provides a helpful overview of three different global commons domains, the oceans, airspace, and outerspace, as well as the three types of spatial models used in the territorialization process of these domains. He also identifies several territorialization trends and considers what this means for the future of global commons management and use. 

Episode from 3 January 2023
Bild Episode 7

Sharing Economies: Teilen als Alternative zu was?

Sharing Economies

Teilen als Alternative klingt erstmal vielversprechend. Unternehmen der sogenannten Sharing Economy wie „AirBnB“ und „Couchsurfing“ im Bereich „Homesharing“ sowie „TeilAuto“ oder „Miles“ im Bereich Carsharing knüpfen an diese Versprechung an – und scheinen auf den ersten Blick Lösungsansätze für gesellschaftliche Problemlagen wie den motorisierten Individualverkehr oder zunehmende Vereinzelung anzubieten: Wer sich ein Auto teilt, braucht kein eigenes mehr zu besitzen und verzichtet damit auch auf Privateigentum. Wer in der zunehmend individualisierten Gesellschaft vereinzelt, kann über die Plattform AirBnB authentisch mit anderen zusammenwohnen – wie in einer Wohngemeinschaft oder Kleinfamilie. Dass damit aber auch neue Ausschlüsse und Problemlagen produziert werden können und dass in einer kapitalistischen Gesellschaft zunächst Privateigentum vorhanden sein muss, um dieses anschließend teilen zu können, gerät dabei in den Hintergrund. Christoph Henning und Henrike Katzer arbeiten im Teilprojekt „Dinge verfügbar machen. Eigentum als spzeifische Form der Weltbeziehung" des Sonderforschungsbereiches und forschen zu genau diesen Ambivalenzen der Sharing Economy an den Beispielen Car- und Home-Sharing. Im Gespräch mit Charlotte Domberg berichten sie über ihre Forschungsergebnisse. 

Episode from 7 Octobre 2022

Blood Oil Commodities

The interview with Petra Gümplová addresses the problem of clean trade with natural resources. It discusses available concepts of conflict commodities and points to available policies trying to regulate trade with minerals from conflict zones. It presents how political theorists concerned with global justice discuss natural resources and conflicts and what conceptions of clean trade there are and what ideas about global justice underlie them. The question of property to valuable goods like minerals, oil, gas etc. is raised. Also, the question about what kinds of responsibilites there are in matters of trade with conflict commodities.  

Episode from 9 August 2022
Blood Oil Cover

Property, Commons and the Common

Titelbild Folge 4

Part III of “Future of Social Rights” series

In the last episode of our mini-series about the future of social rights, Massimo de Angelis speaks about the meaning of ownership for the commons. He connects the notion of property, commons and the common with special regard to needs for social change. Massimo de Angelis was professor for political economy at the University of East London until 2020. He is editor of the webjournal “The Commoner”.

Episode from 21 June 2022

Rethinking Foundational Economy and Collective Infrastructures

Part II of “Future of Social Rights” series

In the second episode of our mini-series about the future of social rights, Julie Froud talks about the Foundational Economy and its rethinking, adapting and renewing with special regard to collective infrastructures. Julie Froud is a professor at the University of Manchester, UK and a member of the Foundational Economy Collective. Building on previous research on financialisation and corporations, her current focus is on developing the research agenda on the foundational economy. She has been particularly involved in research in Wales where the foundational economy has been recognised by Government, third sector and civil society organisations.

Episode from 14 June 2022
Titelbild Folge 3

The Future of Social Rights – Social Rights as Property? Thinking with and beyond Robert Castel

Titelbild Folge 2

Part I of “Future of Social Rights” series

The first episode of our mini-series about the future of social rights will give an introduction about the question of social rights as property which is inspired by the notion of social property developed by the sociologist Robert Castel. The speakers are Silke van Dyk, Steffen Liebig and Markus Kip from the Collaborative Research Center.

Episode from 14 June 2022

Konflikte um Nachhaltige Mobilität – Perspektiven aus Klimabewegung, Gewerkschaft und Betrieb

Unsere erste Podcastfolge ist endlich da! Wir starten unsere Podcastreihe mit einem akutellen Thema, das wissenschaftliche Überlegungen zum Thema nachhaltige Mobilität mit Erfahrungen aus der Praxis von Klimabewegung, Gewerkschaft und Betrieb zusammenbringt. Kim Lucht und Steffen Liebig vom Sonderforschungsbereich befragen die vier Gäste Christopher Szymula (Verkehrsingenieur, Straßenbahnfahrer aus Leipzig), Lea Knoff (Students for Future, Die Linke/ SDS aus Leipzig), Laura Meschede (Offenes Antikapitalistisches Klimatreffen München) und Ferhat Kirmizi (stellvertretender Betriebsratsvorsitzender Bosch München-Berg am Laim) zu Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen der Allianz zwischen Klimabewegung(en) und Gewerkschaften. 

Episode from 26 April 2022
Eine Leipziger Straßenbahn