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International Annual Conference "Beyond (Private) Property"

At the conference in Jena, we will discuss different forms of ownership that cannot be reduced to private property - which is dominant in modern societies - and ask about possibilities for organizing social relations in a non-property form or beyond private property. The programme is available here.

We ask: What alternative forms of ownership and non-property forms of subjectivation, use and organization are currently being discussed and practiced? What difficulties arise with regard to the social institutionalization of alternative forms and relations of ownership? And what can be learned from social movements, social theories and even from science fiction?

In addition to diverse contributions from the TRR SFB 294 on the structural change of property, there will be contributions from Simon Barber, Nandini Chami, Ève Chiapello, Dietmar Dath, Anita Gurumurthy, Christina Hecht, Christian Laval, Daniel Loick, Heide Lutosch, Hauke Neddermann, Franklin Obeng-Odoom, Annette Schlemm, Jan-Felix Schrape, Doris Schweitzer, Simon Sutterlütti, Patrick Vonderau and Robert Wade, among others, as well as a close exchange with social movements.

The conference is aimed at academics, practitioners, representatives of social movements and students with an interest in property issues.

Porgramm Jahrestagung
Programm Jahrestagung