Order and property: Stabilisation strategies in twentieth-century Germany


How can we explain the remarkable resilience of ownership structures in Germany in the twentieth century? The project explores the form and function of the stabilisation strategies that followed periods of great upheaval. During the first application stage, it considers the consequences of hyperinflation in the mid-1920s and investigates the struggle for revaluation measures and Fürstenenteignung, the expropriation of aristocratic property.

The project thus reconstructs the interplay between anti-democratic agitation and the attempt of stabilising the democratic social order by means of property structures.

Project activities


Scientific publications
  • Roman Birke (2024): Eigentumspolitik des Deutschen Kolonialismus, (forth.).

Media and podcasts


  • Roman Birke: “Native Land Owners and Chinese Labor in ‘German Samoa’: Capitalist Accumulation and the Contestation of Racial Hierarchies in the early 20th Century“, Paper for the Workshop: Unlikely Heroes. Histories of Capitalism from Below, University of Birmingham. (13.09.2023)


Project Staff