Dr. Mario Resta

Mario Resta is a historian of Christianity. After training in Ancient and Late Antique History and Litterature at the University of Bari (BA in Humanities in 2011; MA in History in 2013), he earned his PhD (Doctor Europaeus) in Ancient and Late Antique Studies from the same University in 2018.

It was a joint Doctorate between the University of Bari and the University of Republic of San Marino. In 2017, he spent four months at the University of Valladolid as a visiting doctoral student. His doctoral thesis was dedicated to the relationship between Christianity, music and dance in Late Antiquity.

He has worked as Postdoctoral Researcher at Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome (2019-2020), Fondazione Michele Pellegrino in Turin (2020-2022) and Fondazione per le Scienze religiose “Giovanni XXIII” in Bologna and Palermo (2022-2023).

In 2021, he received the “Edipuglia Renzo Ceglie” Award for the publication of his book «Cristo vale meno di un ballerino?». Danza e musica strumentale nel vissuto dei cristiani di età tardoantica.

In 2023, he earned the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in the Italian higher education system for the disciplinary field of 11/A4 - Science of Books and Documents, History of Religions (History of Christianity).

His research interests lie within ancient lived religion, social history of Christianity, hagiography, gender history, dance studies and pop culture.

A picture of Dr. Mario Resta.

Research Project

Within the framework of the subproject A01 Divine property: Solutions from Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, my research project aims to investigate the value of the Christian divine property, by considering some cases of transfer of property to the Church: ranging from Constantine’s transfer of Lateran property to the bishop of Rome, to the so-called tituli of Rome and the private donations and testamentary bequests in the Latin world. The purpose will be to highlight the function of these specific cases of transfer of property, through the analysis of all necessary sources: literary, liturgical, legislative and archaeological. Indeed, further research of documents and sources which could attest to the existence and the perception of divine property is essential to grasp the historical dynamics and how rooted the phenomenon was within the late antique Christian society.



  • Resta, Mario (2022a): "Il caso di sant’Ardalione: note su un mimo martire", In: Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni 88/2, 2022, 661-668.
  • Resta, Mario (2022b): "Lay or Consecrated, Subjected and Subtracted: The Abduction of Women in 4th Century Canonical Legislation", In Augustinianum 62/1, 2022, 177-188.
  • Resta, Mario (2022c): "Il «premio della ballerina è la morte del profeta» (Ambr., virg. 3,26): la danza della figlia di Erodiade nella polemica contro i balli conviviali di IV-V secolo", In L. Arcari, L. Carnevale (Hrsg.), Dignus es accipere librum. Miscellanea in onore di Edmondo Lupieri per il suo LXXII compleanno (Quaderni di «Vetera Christianorum» 35), Edipuglia, Bari, 247-256.
  • Resta, M.; Papasidero, M. (Hrsg.) (2022) I santi internauti 2. Agiografia, devozioni e icone digitali (Sanctorum. Scritture, pratiche, immagini 10), Viella, Roma.
  • Resta, Mario (2021): "«Cristo vale meno di un ballerino?». Danza e musica strumentale nel vissuto dei cristiani di età tardoantica" (Biblioteca Tardoantica 13), Edipuglia, Bari.
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  • 31st May 2022, Bari, Italy, PhD Seminar: "Negare il diritto alla libertà: il ratto e lo stupro delle donne nelle legislazione canonica tardoantica", Doctoral School in Humanities (University of Bari), Seminar Series “Ripensare la ‘natura umana’. Paradigmi interpretativi ed emergenze storiche”.
  • 23rd March 2020, postponed to 13th May 2020, Bari, Italy, PhD Seminar: "I ‘balli’ di san Vito: pratiche e riti coreutico-cultuali euromediterranei" Doctoral School in Humanities (University of Bari), Seminar Series “Itinerari e identità nel Mediterraneo antico: cultura, politica, comunicazione”.
