Malte Janzing, M.A., studied sociology at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (2016-2019) and at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena (2019-2022). Since 2021, he has been working as a research assistant in sub-project C06 "Making things available. Property as a Specific Form of World Relationship" and has been supporting the work of the CRC's Gender Equality Commission as an assistant since November 2022. From July to December 2022, he was a pre-doctoral fellow at the CRC. Since January 2023, he has been working on his doctorate with a Landesgraduiertenstipendium in project C06 under the working title “Playlistkuration statt Plattensammlung?” on the relationship between world relations and materiality or forms of ownership of (digital) music.
Main areas of interest: Digital media, intellectual property, right-wing extremism research, subject theory, discourse theory, methods of qualitative social research.
Malte Janzing
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- Janzing, Malte (2023): “Introvertierte, querulantische Widerstandskämpfer gegen ein korrumpiertes System: Subjektivierung in Rechtsintellektuellen-Diskursen”, In: ZRex – Zeitschrift für Rechtsextremismusforschung, 3(1), 52–67. DOI: 10.3224/zrex.v3i1.04.
- Janzig, Malte: "Playlistkuration statt Plattensammlung? Praktiken der Musikanverwandlung beim Musikstreaming.“ as part of the conference of the Sociology and Social History of Music Section 2024 of the Society for Music Research, 5 April 2024, Anton Bruckner Private University Linz
- Janzig, Malte: “Playlistkuration statt Plattensammlung. Eine weltbeziehungssoziologische Analyse von Praktiken der Musikanverwandlung im Streaming-Zeitalter” at the Jena Social Theory Colloquium of the Department of General and Theoretical Sociology. (27.11.2023)
- Janzing, Malte: Input presentation at the Nucleus information event and project fair“Das transformative Potenzial des Teilens” (TV 2.9), online. (25.10.2023)